00 How it works
01 Objects - Constructor
02 Objects - Constructor (drawing)
03 Objects - Constructor (timing)
04 Objects - Prototype (sequential declaration)
05 Objects - Prototype (declaring all at once)
Code goes here:
var _things = 0; var _cross = 7.0 / 2; // The properties (variables) aren't in the constructor anymore... function Thing(angle) { var thing_num = ++_things; this.getThingNum = function() { return thing_num; } if(angle) { this.alpha = angle / 180.0*Math.PI; } } // Create a prototype for Thing()'s, this time, use the JSON-like declaration. Thing.prototype = { x: 0, y: 0, alpha: 0, step: function(distance) { this.x += distance * Math.cos(this.alpha); this.y += distance * Math.sin(this.alpha); return this; }, turn_degrees: function(degrees) { this.alpha += degrees / 180.0*Math.PI; return this; }, update: function(canvas, domelement) { console.log("Thing #" + this.getThingNum() + " is at:", it01.x, 'x', it01.y, "and looks at", this.alpha * 180.0/Math.PI, "degrees"); return this; }, draw: function(ctx2d) { ctx2d.save(); ctx2d.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); ctx2d.translate(ctx.canvas.width / 2, ctx.canvas.height / 2); ctx2d.rotate(this.alpha); ctx2d.beginPath(); ctx2d.moveTo(this.x - _cross, this.y); ctx2d.lineTo(this.x + _cross, this.y); ctx2d.moveTo(this.x, this.y - _cross); ctx2d.lineTo(this.x, this.y + _cross); ctx2d.stroke(); ctx2d.restore(); return this; }, mark: function(elem) { elem.style.position = 'absolute'; elem.style.top = this.y + 'px'; elem.style.left = this.x + 'px'; return this; } }; function Delayed(func, ms) { var self = this; this.next = null; this.delay = function(next) { this.next = new Delayed(next, ms); return this.next; }; this.run = function(a) { setTimeout(function() { try { func(a); } catch(e) { console.log('error running delayed function: ', e); } if(self.next != null) { self.next.run(a+1); } }, ms); } } function delay(func) { var delayed = new Delayed(func, 100); delayed.run(0); return delayed; } var it01 = new Thing(); var it02 = new Thing(); var dom_marker = document.getElementById('dom_marker1'); var dom_marker = document.getElementById('dom_marker2'); var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = canvas.parentNode.offsetWidth; canvas.height = canvas.parentNode.offsetHeight; ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var plan = delay(function(x) { it01 .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker1); it02 .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker2); }).delay(function(x) { it01 .turn_degrees(10).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker1); it02 .turn_degrees(-10).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker2); }).delay(function(x) { it01 .turn_degrees(5).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker1); it02 .turn_degrees(-5).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker2); }).delay(function(x) { it01 .turn_degrees(0).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker1); it02 .turn_degrees(0).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker2); }).delay(function(x) { it01 .turn_degrees(-5).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker1); it02 .turn_degrees(5).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker2); }); for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) { plan = plan.delay(function() { it01 .turn_degrees(-35 + i).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker1); it02 .turn_degrees(30 - i).step(10) .update().draw(ctx).mark(dom_marker2); }) }
Ctrl+Enter to Run this code
Logs show up here:
Here, we draw on a canvas
And finally, DOM + CSS